Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Setting Children Up For Failure

Hello everyone,my boys and I just woke up about 40 minutes ago,it was quite early but it's ok because we were given the opportunity to be alive.I want to discuss how "today's parents" set their children up for failure,whether they do it knowingly or unknowingly.When I was a child the adults had their priorities straight,true enough many were drug and alcohol addicted in many households,but there was always another relative that made sure the family stayed grounded and children were put 1st.Nowadays there are parents out here giving their children the automatic ticket to the wrong ways of life.We are supposed to teach our children the ways of the world as much as we can,not send them to school and put the teaching off on the teachers.Most of these children today(young ones and teens) are barely getting any home training so if they lack that in itself what is the point of sending them to school? Is it because parents want to say how they are happy they got a break? Most of the kids today aren't learning anything at school and it's not always because the school fails them,but because many of them are "today's children" with "today's parent's who don't care if they learn a thing,just as long as they are out of their faces.Very sad if you ask me.I don't agree with The No Child Left Behind Act because it enables children to just pass through the cracks missing out on many educational opportunities.When I was growing up,if you didn't pass the grade you were in-YOUR ASS WAS LEFT BEHIND!!! These parents today and children today are comfortable with only being able to understand 4 to 5 letter words.One thing my husband and I refuse to do is talk to our 3 and 4 year old boys as if they are babies because although they are babies-they are humans that have brains like sponges and they are learning constantly.If a child can repeat a full rap song,they better be able to repeat something worthy of using their tongues.Another problem that i've noticed is that parents are becoming more and more slum by the second these days.Our children are not our friends nor are they our little pretty toys to turn into fashion statements,they are a part of us.I can't understand at all why adults find it cute and funny to socialize with their children and the child's friends.What is the point in partying with your 15 year old? They will not respect you as a parent,adult or person of authority but they will treat you as their friend,not the nurturer,teacher and guidance that they should see you as.Women and Men who find no fault in calling their Daughters Bitches and Whores and their Sons Dumb and Worthless will surely have an appointment with the higher being because there is no way we were put on this planet to be dumbed down,especially by our own parents! It saddens me to see children go throught that,especially when the parents are with knowledge themselves.You would think some of these people said to themselves "I saw the path that my mom and dad went down with us so I will make sure my kids don't have to endure it" BUT NOOOOOO,history repeats itself.The cycle will only continue for many of the children and it's an irritation when you fault a child that is a product of their environment.They learn what they live and it will only grow to get worse unless these parents decide to turn their trifling meter off.Well that's my time,feel free to comment and share your thoughts.TRIPOLAR1

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