Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just a few thoughts for my 1st post!!!

So I have been contemplating starting my own blog posts because I get sick of brainwashed people having an issue with my thoughts and views but not having the gall to say it to me without me finding out from a facial expression or an account being deleted,including pictures and notes.I find when people dislike something you say,they would rather discuss your thoughts in a post as if you don't get it.That's called indirect advertisement.Well everyone isn't meant to be a puppet so I guess that is where I come in.If everyone believes what they see and hear we'd all be robots and since we all pump some sort of blood and have some sort of Deoxyribonucleic acid (dna), that means we all don't have to see the world as we are told that we should.I am that person,I don't believe any and everything I see in the media,why should I? Since this is my 1st post on this site I will make it quite short.I have children to tend to and thoughts to gather from many different levels-NO they are not all political because they can get as basic as The No Child Left Behind Act but I will have much to discuss.Have a good night people.TRIPOLAR1

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