Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Top of the day beautiful people of the Earth.I have been trying to avoid getting on serious topics since I am an amateur to this thing called Blogging,but when is enough a got damn nuff.Today I woke up on the right side of the bed,in a positive mindframe,with good intentions and then it hit me like a pile of rocks! Why are Black Men always complaining about how bad it is to be with a Black Woman,yet they get into Zebra relationships and go through the same thing,if not WORSE??? I would think that women come in chaos regardless of race but let Black Men tell it,we are the worst.I've heard things such as:Black women are lazy,they wear fake nails,hair and get section 8 and welfare,they get you locked up and they're money hungry,YET in the same breath the same Brothas start a Zebra relationship and get the EXACT SAME THING and calls it different. DO SHARE,HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT? The last time I checked-WOMEN WERE WOMEN and any woman can be a bad apple just as well as men come in bad apples as well.I am not racist by any means but I find it an issue when our own men speak so negatively towards us but will claim children that may belong to another Brotha,will be just fine with going to prison because a woman doesn't like that you aren't spending enough time with her,will be just fine with a woman using her skin color to control you with the "proper authorities" and will be just fine with a woman and her relatives calling you "NIGGER" when they get mad at you.I'm sure this goes on in other states,but this is a Direct Statement for Minnesotans because i've lived it and seen it 1st hand and it's sad.I can't speak for every Black Man who's dating interracially because this does not apply to all,but it does apply to many.I remember about a year ago my husband couldn't understand why I would get pissed about this particular thing until I showed him the videos on youtube and then he understood and he himself became pissed.To see a caucasion woman and a black man posting videos putting down the race of black women,calling us the most undesired woman on the planet,how we are jealous of them and most of all to see that the black man was contributing to this farce had us both infuriated.True,black women wear weaves-but so do other race women.True,black women wear fake nails-but so do other race women.True,black women get welfare and section 8-but so do other race women.True,black women can be bitches-but so do other race women.AND TRUST-WHORES COME IN ALL COLORS.There's a reason why I got on this subject: KIDS. How do Most (I didn't say ALL) Black Men find it okay to take care of their mixed children,but leave their black children hanging,what makes any child you create any different from the next one-they all belong to you don't they? I used to see posts on facebook where Black Men would say dumb shit like:I'm gonna have mixed babies only cause I don't want no dark nappy headed babies!!! What the hell,aren't you black? Half of these men are good fathers and aren't allowed to see their kids,and that's for WOMEN OF ALL RACES!!! My advice to you Brothas is this:THE SAME WAY A WOMAN USES THE SYSTEM AGAINST YOU,USE THAT MUTHASUCKA AGAINST HER FOR VISITATION RIGHTS,CUSTODY RIGHTS,CHILD SUPPORT.These are some of the things that irritate me to the core,it's not meant for everyone but for many that go through these things and find nothing wrong with it.Before you spit on your own kind,open your eyes and look what you go through with another kind.Tripolar1

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